Le nouveau petit Robert: dictionnaire alphabetique et analogique de la langue francaise Review

Le nouveau petit Robert: dictionnaire alphabetique et analogique de la langue francaise
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Le nouveau petit Robert: dictionnaire alphabetique et analogique de la langue francaise ReviewThis is a proper French dictionary, not a French-English or similar offering. They both have pros and cons and I own both. What I like about this French dictionary is that I can look at the real meaning of a word. The French-English dictionaries may go into some extent on this as well, with an eye towards how that an English speaker would want to think of this word.
Anyway, for example, say you look at the word 'Appuyer' which you often see in a computer or camera manual and you think OK so that means 'push' or 'press' or something, it is saying to push the button. And in those contexts that would be the right translation. However, more generally, that is not the correct translation of that verb, it is not 1:1 Appuyer means Push. It really more similar to 'support' or similar. So when you read the definition en français it leads you not only to realize the true meaning of the word, but to increase your vocabulary by looking up other words that were in the definition that you needed to understand.
I would argue that the French-English dictionary is the best quick reference, and depending on your learning style the proper French dictionary like this one may be the very best reference. (It was for me). Another good resource along these lines is to get a French thesaurus (dictionnaire des synonymes).
Enjoy. Petit robert is the best French dictionary in my experience! Of course there is also the Grand robert but that is many volumes (or CDs) and extremely expensive, it dives deep into all the etymologies etc. Note there is also Robert micro which is a more portable paperback.Le nouveau petit Robert: dictionnaire alphabetique et analogique de la langue francaise Overview

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