Loving and Hating Mathematics: Challenging the Myths of Mathematical Life Review

Loving and Hating Mathematics: Challenging the Myths of Mathematical Life
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Loving and Hating Mathematics: Challenging the Myths of Mathematical Life ReviewThirty yeas ago, Reuben Hersh and Philip J. Davis revolutionized the public (and self-) image of the
mathematical experience in the now classic book of that name. In the present book, Reuben Hersh and
Vera John-Steiner wrote an even better sequel. It should be read by anyone who relates to mathematics,
either positively, negatively, or ambivalently. They very compellingly prove their point that
mathematics is a human creation, and since humans will be humans, it is full of passion,
good guys, and of course bad guys (although they were a little too easy on the bad guys, and didn't make them
look as bad, the racists (e.g. R.L. Moore), sexists, and even the murderers!)
The last chapter, about mathematics education, was particularly excellent, with a plea to stop making
mathematics an artificial filter for professions where mathematics not needed. Unfortunately, the
AMS/MAA would fight tooth and nail against this, and they may have some point.
If mathematics would only be taught to those who love it for its own sake, we mathematicians might
have even a harder time getting academic jobs, and that would be a pity.
I wish that they would be more books like this one!
Loving and Hating Mathematics: Challenging the Myths of Mathematical Life Overview

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