Speaking and Semiology: Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenological Theory of Existential Communication (Approaches to Semiotics) Review

Speaking and Semiology: Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenological Theory of Existential Communication (Approaches to Semiotics)
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Speaking and Semiology: Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenological Theory of Existential Communication (Approaches to Semiotics) Review(I) Existential Communication as Phenomenology: (1) Existential Communication; (2) The Apparent Antinomy of Existential Communication; (3) Communication as Existentialism; (4) Merleau-Ponty's Philosophy as Existential Communication; (II) Existential Phenomenology as Semiology: (1) The Cartesian Dualism: Semiotic Phenomenalism (Peirce, Morris, Ogden and Richards, Russell); (2) Dualistic Synthesis: Semiotic Existentialism (Jaspers, Heidegger, Sartre); (3) Semiotic as Existential Phenomenology (Barthes, Merleau-Ponty); (III) Perception: The Lived Body Experience: (1) The Primacy of Perception (Description); (2) Radical Reflection as Gestalt [Reduction]; (3) Radical Cogito [Interpretation]; (IV) Expression: Existential Phenomenology as Speaking: (1) Expression as Phenomena; (2) Langugae; (3) Tongue [Langue]; (4) Speaking [Parole]; (V) Introduction to the Prose of the World. Definitive Bibliography of Merleau-Ponty's work [Primary Sources] and commentaries [Secondary Sources] on it (in eight langugaes, including English).Speaking and Semiology: Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenological Theory of Existential Communication (Approaches to Semiotics) Overview

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