Everyday Life in the German Book Trade: Friedrich Nicolai as Bookseller and Publisher in the Age of Enlightenment, 1750-1810 (Penn State Series in the History of the Book) Review

Everyday Life in the German Book Trade: Friedrich Nicolai as Bookseller and Publisher in the Age of Enlightenment, 1750-1810 (Penn State Series in the History of the Book)
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Everyday Life in the German Book Trade: Friedrich Nicolai as Bookseller and Publisher in the Age of Enlightenment, 1750-1810 (Penn State Series in the History of the Book) ReviewThis is a scholarly contribution to understanding how the book became so available to the general public. Nicolai was very instrumental in becoming the source in Europe to find and distribute literature. In a sense, this is a history of the book and how it came to be after Gutenberg. This is an interesting and easy to read book which also gives insight into the history in Europe both culturally and socially during the Enlightenment. I found it contained information I had never been introduced to before. It is definitely worth your time if you are interested in that period of time in our history.Everyday Life in the German Book Trade: Friedrich Nicolai as Bookseller and Publisher in the Age of Enlightenment, 1750-1810 (Penn State Series in the History of the Book) OverviewAn account of the working of the eighteenth-century German book trade as revealed by the career of Friedrich Nicolai (1733–1811)."Selwyn's work makes a remarkable contribution to our understanding of the book trade and publishing world during the Aufklarung in Prussia. Apart from what we learn about the specific career of Nicolai, we gain many insights into how books came into existence, what tactics prospective authors used, the joys and sorrows of the publishers and booksellers, how various governments attempted to monitor the book trade, the nature of book piracy, and a host of other matters. Selwyn's excellent skills as a writer allow her to describe these issues in an engaging way . . . It is a marvelous piece of work—a delight to read."—John D. Woodbridge, Trinity International UniversityIn his popular book The Germans (1982), Stanford historian Gordon Craig remarked: "When German intellectuals at the end of the eighteenth century talked of living in a Frederican age, they were sometimes referring not to the monarch in Sans Souci, but to his namesake, the Berlin bookseller Friedrich Nicolai."Such was the importance attributed to Nicolai's role in the intellectual life of his age by his own contemporaries.While long neglected by students of the period, who tended to accept the caricature of him as a philistine who failed to recognize Goethe's genius, Nicolai has experienced a resurgence of interest among scholars reexploring the German Enlightment and the literary marketplace of the eighteenth century.This book, drawing upon Nicolai's large unpublished correspondence, rounds out the picture we have of Nicolai already as author and critic by focusing on his roles as bookseller and publisher and as an Aufkärer in the book trade.

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