Neuroscience of Cognitive Development: The Role of Experience and the Developing Brain Review

Neuroscience of Cognitive Development: The Role of Experience and the Developing Brain
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Neuroscience of Cognitive Development: The Role of Experience and the Developing Brain ReviewAs the neurosciences continue to develop there will be more of an emphasis on cognitive development as measured within the brain. It is hoped that this text is ushering in the "new" study of developmental "psychology". The behavioral observations made by Piaget and others in the twentieth century was a start in this frontier. While many of the early observations are supported by recent research, much is being learned about specific details of cognitive development and the impact of experiences in an individual's life.
Nelson, DeHaan and Thomas demonstrate what the study of the development of memory, attention, social cognition, spatial cognition will be like in future texts.
This text is highly recommended for any professional involved in the cognitive development of children. While some of the jargon may prove cumbersome to the novice, it will be beneficial to "wade" through the pages to cull out what can be applied in the specific setting.
Probably should be a required text for educators and all health professionals involved in working with children and young adults.Neuroscience of Cognitive Development: The Role of Experience and the Developing Brain Overview

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