The American Way of Spelling: The Structure and Origins of American English Orthography Review

The American Way of Spelling: The Structure and Origins of American English Orthography
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The American Way of Spelling: The Structure and Origins of American English Orthography ReviewI could not put this book down. Most adults probably no longer give much thought to the different patterns in English spelling, or to the long lists of familiar exceptions to those patterns. But for children first learning to read and write, these patterns and exceptions can present a barrier. What is the history behind our current system? What principles best describe it? How can a modern linguistic analysis, using an intermediate "morphophonemic" level between spelling and sound help us to understand this system? This book answers these questions in an engaging narrative.
Although the examples of pronunciation in this book are for a General American accent, readers from other accent communities should not be discouraged by the title. The history and principles of this modern description can be read equally well, I believe, by anyone who reads and speaks English and would like to better understand English spelling.
As the author says is the introduction, "This book will either make you feel more at home with [English orthography's] peculiarities, or drive you to join a spelling reform society." For some readers, it may do both.
The American Way of Spelling: The Structure and Origins of American English Orthography OverviewThis book covers a broad range of topics, from the historical origins of the 26 letters to the regularities and irregularities of spelling in food and drink words, and ending with the rules of spelling.

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