The Subtlety of Sameness: A Theory and Computer Model of Analogy-Making Review

The Subtlety of Sameness: A Theory and Computer Model of Analogy-Making
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The Subtlety of Sameness: A Theory and Computer Model of Analogy-Making ReviewSince AI researchers are generally engineers, they historically did what engineers do: they broke up the mind in very clear-cut divisions, one for the perception of the things out there in the world, and another, symbolically, to do "abstract cogitation".
For deep reasons, this was an invalid move, but only a few could see it. Robert French surely could, for his highly original tabletop project exhibits some of the best insights in Artificial Intelligence ever.
AI is still so much pervaded with the wrong ideas that this book will need to take some time to make its definitive mark on the history of the field.
If genuine understanding is ever to be built into a machine, understanding of the kind that Searle's gang will be forever denying, then it will come from an architecture similar to that proposed in this book.
Then again, I could turn out to be wrong. But let us let History decide on this issue.The Subtlety of Sameness: A Theory and Computer Model of Analogy-Making OverviewForeword by Daniel Dennett While it is fashionable today to dismiss the"bad old days" of artificial intelligence and rave about emergent self-organizingsystems, Robert French has created a model of human analogy-making that attempts tobridge the gap between classical top-down AI and more recent bottom-upapproaches.The research described in this book is based on the premise that humananalogy-making is an extension of our constant background process of perceiving --in other words, that analogy-making and the perception of sameness are two sides ofthe same coin. At the heart of the author's theory and computer model ofanalogy-making is the idea that the building-up and the manipulation ofrepresentations are inseparable aspects of mental functioning, in contrast totraditional AI models of high-level cognitive processes, which have almost alwaysdepended on a clean separation.A computer program called Tabletop forms analogies ina microdomain consisting of everyday objects on a table set for a meal. The theoryand the program rely on the idea that myriad stochastic choices made on themicrolevel can add up to statistical robustness on a macrolevel. To illustrate this,French includes the results of thousands of runs of his program on several dozeninterrelated analogy problems in the Tabletop microworld.French's work is excitingnot only because it reveals analogy-making to be an extension of our complex andsubtle ability to perceive sameness but also because it offers a computational modelof mechanisms underlying these processes. This model makes significant strides inputting into practice microlevel stochastic processing, distributed processing,simulated parallelism, and the integration of representation-building andrepresentation-processing.A Bradford Book

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