The Lacanian Subject: Between Language and Jouissance Review

The Lacanian Subject: Between Language and Jouissance
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The Lacanian Subject: Between Language and Jouissance ReviewAlong with his book "A Clinical Introduction into Lacanian Psychoanalysis," this book by Bruce Fink makes us THE best introduction into Lacanian theory one can find in English. After reading this book I got a very good snap shot into what Lacan's entire project in fact is. To be sure, this book is not the end all of Lacan, for Lacan's project is vast in itself, nor does Fink intend it to be so. Rather, this book gives one some footing to engage the Seminars of Lacan. The strength of this book HAS TO BE its LUCIDITY and CLARITY. Fink certainly is a pedagogue and is very intend on explaining what Lacan is talking about. He is not going into obscurities to sound academic and difficult. NO: Fink is intending to give the English reader a picture of what is going on. He does this by grounding Lacan's theory in Freud. By doing this, we get a very good picture of how Lacan performed his now famous "return to Freud," and what that actually entails. After reading this book you will get the picture that one cannot read Lacan without Freud and that Freud himself loses something without Lacan. I highly recommend this book for anyone trying to get a foot into the door in Lacanian theory.The Lacanian Subject: Between Language and Jouissance Overview

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