Symbolism, Decadence And The Fin De Siecle: French and European Perspectives (EUROPEAN LITERATURE) Review

Symbolism, Decadence And The Fin De Siecle: French and European Perspectives (EUROPEAN LITERATURE)
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Symbolism, Decadence And The Fin De Siecle: French and European Perspectives (EUROPEAN LITERATURE) ReviewI was surprised not to find any discussion of length in this book concerning Wilde's SALOME, which is often called both Symbolist and Decadent. Wilde's play, of course, has been used against him in the tiresome complaint that Oscar was a plagiarist, yet I expected more concerning the poet who wrote "The Harlot's House" and "The Sphinx" herein.
What we do find is a fascinating anthology discussing the book's themes, intelligently and evocatively. One fascinating aspect of these movements is that there was, during their birth and still today, much discourse and disagreement as to what the devil they are. Is an author Symbolist because of his work alone, or has does he approach to daily existence play a part in giving her and her work such a title? Are Symbolists separated from Decadents by degrees of class, by nationality? Are these movements Victorian and thus dated, epochs of the past; or are they still modes of eternal Modernism? Alas, I am a simple-minded lass, and cannot answer these questions -- but I like that there are no easy answers. I love that there was this movement, encased in time -- one single fin-de-siecle and no other -- an aspect of Oscar Wilde's Yellow Nineties, that still affects we who strive to write the strange and outre thing.
The Contents of this Excellent Book:
Introduction: Patrick McGuinness
1. Mallarme and the 'siecle finissant', by Peter Dayan
2. Disinterested Narcissus: The Play of Politics in Decadent Form, by Jennifer Birkett
3. Experiment in Women's Writing in the fin de siecle, by Alison Finch
4. The Poetry of Symbolism and Decadence, by Clive Scott
5. The Difficult Distance: Mallarme, Symbolism and the Stage, by Michael Holland
6. The Kinesthetics of Chance: Mallarme's UN COUP DE DES and Avant-garde Choreography, by Dee Reynolds
7. Villiers, Verne, Lumiere: Film and the Business of Immortality, by Ian Christie
8. Text and Image, Allegory and Symbol in Gustave Moreau's JUPITER ET SEMELE, by Peter Cooke
9. Between Medicine and Hermeticism: 'The' Unconscious in fin-de-siecle France, by Jeremy Stubbs
10. Primitivism, Celticism and Morbidity in the Atlantic fin de siecle, by Scott Ashley
11. Belgian Symbolism and Belgium Literary Identity, by Patrick Laude
12. Temporary Aesthetics: Decadence and Symbolism in Germany and Austria, by Robert Vilain
13. The War of the Wor(l)ds: Symbolist Decadent Literature and Discourses of Power in Finiseclar Spain, by Richard A. Cardwell
14. French Symbolism and Italian Poetry: 1880-1921, by Shirley W. Vinall
15. From Mallarme to Pound: The 'Franco-Anglo-American' Axis, by Patrick McGuinness
As is evident, the scope of the book is Historical and International. I find the book fascinating, compelling and educational, a fount of food for thought and approaches to the art of Literary Expression. There are numerous rare and fascinating illustrations and photographs. The book is so deep that I will be reading it for the rest of my brief life, joyously, in ecstasy.Symbolism, Decadence And The Fin De Siecle: French and European Perspectives (EUROPEAN LITERATURE) OverviewThis is a comparative and interdisciplinary book exploring a variety of perspectives on the artistic culture of France, and its neighbours, in the period 1870-1914. Part One centres on France, and assembles essays on the prose, poetry and painting of Symbolism and Decadence, on avant-garde dance and performance, on women's writing and on early cinema.

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